
Exercise 1. Distribute the words and expressions below to the following groups

retail,    customer,    Internet selling,    cinema,    marketer,   nationality,    celebrity endorsement,   word-of-mouth,    free samples,    brand-switcher,  radio,    Internet,    sex,    opinions,    TV,  coupons,    mail order selling,    mail,    wholesale,    press,  age,    leisure interests,    loyal consumer,    competitor,    catalogue selling,  sales representative

1.Distributional channels
2.Market segmentation
3.Advertising media
4.Promotional tools

Exercise 2. Choose the most suitable word in brackets to complete the sentences.
1.    Viacom Outdoor is an advertising company that specializes in placing adverts on (billboards / public transport / TV) such as buses.
2.    Some perfume companies provide (leaflets / commercials / free samples) so that customers can try the perfume on their skin before they buy.
3.    Advertising companies spend a lot of money on creating clever (slogans / directories / mailshots) that are short and memorable such as the message for the credit card, Access: ‘Your flexible friend’.
4.    Celebrity (exhibition / research / endorsement) is a technique that is very popular in advertising at the moment.
5.    If news about a product comes to you by (word of mouth / press / Internet), someone tells you about it rather than you seeing an advert.
6.    If you have something to sell, you can (target / place / launch) an advert in the local newspaper.
7.    Our (staff / reputation / competitors) are highly motivated. We really believe in our brand. For example, our (consumers / employees / competitors) are always trying to improve what we do.
8.    Our (tools / range / support) includes detergent, toilet cleaner and sponges.
9.    We use a lot of (advertising / presence / promotional), usually in women’s magazines.
10.    Consumer goods that are mainly sold to low-income people are called (upmarket / downmarket / mass market).

Task 1. Celebrity endorsement

        The basic idea of the endorsement is pretty simple. People like celebrities. If those celebrities say that they like a product, people will like that product too. But does it really work? Sometimes companies have to drop celebrities from their ad campaigns.
Go to the site  and talk about why celebrities may lose their endorsement deals.

Task 2. Case study
 Imagine that you, in a team of three people, are responsible for promoting one of the following:
•    a new, mass-market cafe
•    a new, upmarket perfume
•    a new, mass-market massage salon

Decide exactly:

what your product / service is,
what is special about it,
who is your target audience,
which promotional tools would you use to promote it (mention promotional techniques),
what media would you use.

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